Facebook Updates
Here are some Facebook updates from the past day for those of you not on Facebook...
From Roberta yesterday afternoon:
Heart-felt, passionate, thought- provoking preaching by Tony Jones in Kisii on Easter. (Watch out, Pastor John Speight!) Then a safe, laughter-filled drive to Nairobi. Off to Mathare to visit with the folks of Mumomatei and Pastor Ngila Gideon Muoki today.
From Tony yesterday:
Some of the folks who turned out to hear me preach today (plus Alex, who kind of had to be there). After church we had a nice drive back to Nairobi. We will be in Mathare slum tomorrow morning with one of our ministry partners here.
From Tony this morning:
Walked through Mathare this morning visiting homes of clients with our friend, Pastor Gideon from Mumomatei Foundation, Roberta Peterson and Alex Jones. Hard to even process the experience this soon.